Ungodly Government

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office…

To this day, it is not known what role President Richard Nixon played in the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, but the tape recordings from the White House confirm he and Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussed using the CIA to slow down the FBI investigation.

It was the cover-up, as history records, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace.

Now, Congress is investigating an alleged cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, amid predictions from prominent voices that the scandal will bring down the Obama administration.

Former Arkansas governor and onetime presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made the bold prediction this week, ahead of a House hearing Wednesday that will feature witnesses of the attack.

“I believe that before it’s all over, this president will not fill out his full term,” he said. “I know that puts me on a limb. But this is not minor. It wasn’t minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked with those in his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.

“But, I remind you – as bad as Watergate was, because it broke the trust between the president and the people, no one died. This is more serious because four Americans did in fact die.”

Meanwhile, John Bolton, former U.N. ambassador and now a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, has also declared the Benghazi scandal could lead to Obama’s removal from office.

“This could be the hinge point,” he told Newsmax. “It’s that serious for them.”

Frank Gaffney, the president of the Center for Security Policy, wrote in a Washington Times column that “the dam seems to be breaking on the nearly eight-month-long cover-up concerning the deadly jihadist attack on Americans and their facilities in Benghazi, Libya.”

After the foreign service facility in Benghazi was attacked, the Obama administration initially claimed Muslims spontaneously rioted over a little-known online video that defamed Islam’s founder.

But now there is evidence that the administration knew from the beginning that it was a terrorist attack and altered its talking points.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is digging into the truth, holding a hearing that calls on those who were in Benghazi to explain what happened.

The questions will probe who created the story that was delivered to America and why.

Hear Huckabee:

Critics have asserted that in the heat of the presidential election race, Obama, who had been campaigning on the claim that al-Qaida essentially were defeated, was unwilling to provide ammunition to his GOP critics by confirming such a brazen terror attack on America, particularly on the anniversary of 9/11.

The witnesses include State Department career worker Gregory Hicks, who already has provided sworn testimony that American resources were told to “stand down” that day while four Americans died.

That statement would directly conflict with multiple statements by the Obama administration.

Rep. Darrell Issa, D-Calif., pointed out that the Obama administration specifically denied that anyone was told to stand down.

The Washington Post also reported that U.S. Embassy officials in Tripoli, some 600 miles away, tried unsuccessfully to get the Pentagon to scramble fighter jets in a show of force. The embassy also was unable to get permission to deploy four U.S. Special Operations troops in Benghazi during the attack.

Congressional investigators released a partial transcript of Hicks’ coming testimony. It includes his report that the lieutenant colonel in Tripoli who commanded the Special Operations team told him he was sorry that his men had been held back.

Get the bumper sticker that says it all, “Honk for Impeachment.

Hicks said he received communication from Stevens, saying, “Greg, we’re under attack.”

In an interview with the Fox News Channel, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, said getting the information is going to be a chore.

“There are people who want to testify that have been suppressed,” he said, according to the Washington Times.  “They’re scared to death of what the State Department is doing with them.”

Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time of the attack, has a huge stake in the outcome of the investigation, as she is considered the favorite for the 2016 Democratic Party nomination for president.

She famously unleashed an emotional outburst at an earlier hearing on Benghazi, dismissing questions about the reason for the attack with, “What difference does it make?”

Chaffetz expressed little confidence in what Obama and Clinton have told the public.

“We were certainly misled at every step of the way,” Chaffetz said.

In his Washington Times column, Gaffney noted the combination of congressional hearings along with reports that “long-silenced witnesses are determined to reveal what they know.

“At the instigation of Rep. Frank R. Wolf, Virginia Republican, and with encouragement from more than 700 special operations veterans and family members of those lost in Benghazi, some 135 legislators in the House of Representatives and three U.S. senators are calling for a special investigatory committee,” he wrote. “To be sure, Team Obama seems as determined as ever to defy efforts to ferret out the truth about Benghazi. In this, they have been aided by the failure of Congress to date to mount a single, concerted investigation of what led up to, happened during and took place after the attack.”

Get “Taking America Back,” Joseph Farah’s manifesto for sovereignty, self-reliance and moral renewal

Gaffney wrote that it’s critical to know the truth about where Obama was during the attack and what was he doing.

“He evidently did not order a rescue operation,” he said. ” … We need to know why not, and what the president was doing instead of his first responsibility: protecting Americans.”

Gaffney said there are also questions about Hillary Clinton’s role, particularly why she failed “to intervene on behalf of her subordinates in harm’s way.”

Huckabee acknowledged that if Democrats continue to control the U.S. Senate, nothing will happen.

“They won’t let it happen, not because they’re protecting just the president, they’re trying to protect their entire political party. If they try to protect the president and their party, and do so at the expense of the truth, their president and their party will go down. Now, here’s what I’m going to suggest will happen – as the information and facts begin to come out, it will become so obvious that there was a concerted and very, very deliberate attempt to mislead this country and its people to lie to Congress, as well as to you.”

Huckabee continued: “When a president lies to the American people and is part of a cover-up, he cannot continue to govern. And as the facts come out, I think we’re going to see something startling. And before it’s over, I don’t think this president will finish his term unless somehow they can delay it in Congress past the next three and a half years.”

Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, once commander of missions for the Army Rangers and now executive vice president for the Family Research Council, said the truth needs to come out about Benghazi.

In an interview published by WND, he said there has been no acceptable explanation for not rescuing Americans under siege in Benghazi, and nothing less than a special House committee investigation will satisfy him.

He said the lack of answers since has been bothering him for months, and that’s why he worked on a letter to Congress.

“I’ve been working this since not long after the events on the 11th of September. That said, the U.S. Congress has been sort of ignoring all of our efforts to try and get some full accounting on this thing,” Boykin said. “I just simply reached out to some people that I knew had a deep passion for this, that would in fact bring a different dimension to it and that’s the retired special operations guys that spent a good portion of their professional careers preparing for and executing these kinds of operations. They’ve risked their lives for this. They’ve seen people that have sacrificed their lives to save other Americans, and I knew these people would come on quickly and would come on with deep passion.”

The letter to the House of Representatives called for the creation of an investigative committee. It was signed by hundreds of members of the military.

Boykin said what’s baffling is why there was no attempt to rescue the Americans.

“Why was there no attempt to recover the bodies before they fell into the hands of the Libyans? We find that perplexing and inexcusable that we don’t have those answers,” he said.

Issa’s committee praised Mark Thompson, acting deputy assistant secretary for counter-terrorism; Hicks; and Eric Nordstrom, diplomatic security officer; for agreeing to testify.

The committee’s analysis indicates Clinton cut her own department’s counter-terrorism unit out of the situation, and a source reported the U.S. military could have reached Benghazi in time to save lives.

It’s not the first time talk of of impeaching Obama has come up.

Lawmakers who have broached the subject of impeachment include Reps. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.; Walter Jones, R-N.C.; Trey Radel, R-Fla.; and Steve Stockman. Others include former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas; former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio; former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy; left-leaning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff; talk-radio host Mark Levin; former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich; and author and columnist Pat Buchanan.

Article II, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution states, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The U.S. House of Representatives has the power to commence impeachment proceedings. If the House adopts an impeachment resolution, the U.S. Senate conducts a trial and determines whether to convict or acquit. If an official is convicted, he or she is removed from the position and may be barred from holding office again. The official may also face criminal prosecution.

Only two U.S. presidents have been impeached by the House: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. However, both presidents were acquitted in the Senate. Nixon resigned before the full House voted on his impeachment.

Besides the Benghazi disaster, issues that have prompted the impeachment discussions include Obama’s Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, his decision to order the assassination of an American-born Muslim cleric who joined al-Qaida, his “recess appointments” to the National Labor Relations Board even though Congress was not in recess, his appointment of many unvetted “czars,” his fight against enforcing immigration laws, amnesty, U.S. involvement in Libya and gun control.

Specifically on Benghazi, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney accused an anti-Muslim video on YouTube of inciting the attack. On Sept. 16, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice made five Sunday morning television appearances in which she claimed the attacks were spontaneous reactions to the obscure film. Obama mentioned the YouTube video six more times at the U.N. on Sept. 25.

However, there was never any kind of protest at the Benghazi compound that night.

WND also reported a March poll showed advocates for impeachment nearly equal to those against it. For example, regarding Obama’s campaign for amnesty to illegals, 44 percent said he should be impeached for it, while only 48 percent say he should not. And 46 percent said Obama should be impeached for launching the war to remove Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, while 49 percent said no.

“Taken by itself, any of these questions about President Obama could be ignored, but it becomes much more questionable when all of these … administration actions are taken as a whole,” said Fritz Wenzel, whose public opinion and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies conducted the poll.

“Obama appears to have found a way to split the nation directly down the middle on each issue, but, as his plummeting poll numbers may now indicate, the American public may well be catching up with the cumulative effect of this administration’s handling of the Constitution and the federal government,” Wenzel said.

Sign the petition urging Congress to impeach Obama.

Another recent call for impeachment came from rock legend and gun-rights defender Ted Nugent.

“There’s no question that this guy’s violations qualify for impeachment,” he said. “There’s no question.”

He blasted “the criminality of this government, the unprecedented abuse of power, corruption, fraud and deceit by the Chicago gangster-scammer-ACORN-in-chief.”

“It’s so diabolical,” he said.

Radio giant Rush Limbaugh said on his program that the Obama administration’s release of hundreds and potentially thousands of illegal-alien criminals from U.S. detention centers in connection with possible budget cuts is “an impeachable offense.”

“In what used to be considered (if we can remember this far back) normal, sane times, this is an impeachable offense,” Limbaugh said. “This is action being taken against the country. … It is sheer madness to be doing this. It is petulant, it is childish.”

Even Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin has called for the impeachment of Obama over his policy of permitting drone strikes on American citizens overseas who are members of terrorist organizations.

On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Benjamin said she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.

You asked for it! Sign the petition urging Congress to impeach President Barack Obama.

Get the bumper sticker that says it all, “Honk for Impeachment.

The idea of impeachment actually seems moderate given the results of another recent poll.

The poll, conducted by telephone by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind, found that 29 percent of Americans believe armed revolution may be necessary, with 5 percent saying they’re not sure.

While 18 percent of Democrats and 27 percent of independents believe that to be true, 44 percent of Republicans questioned in the poll said armed revolution may be needed.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/obamas-departure-predicted-as-congress-focuses-on-cover-up/#OZXJGoYeStMJ686S.99

Categories: Darkness Of Days, Illuminati, Ungodly Government | Leave a comment

Universe-shattering’ twist in Obama birth probe

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‘Minuteman’ calling 3,500 to U.S.-Mexico border




‘Minuteman’ calling 3,500 to U.S.-Mexico border

Operation Normandy: ‘We’re going there to stop an invasion’

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/minuteman-calling-3500-to-mexican-border/#4fR2G3mh67JaiYct.99

author-image   Jerome R. Corsi

NEW YORK – Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist says he’s launching the “Operation Normandy” program, and he hopes it will by next summer gather 3,500 volunteers on the U.S.-Mexico border to “stop an invasion.”

What Gilchrist describes as an “invasion” is the flood of illegal aliens, including many children, coming into the United States from Mexico. Many of the illegal aliens are from Central America, where the word is that those who reach the United States gain access to food, housing, health care and education.

Part of the impetus has been identified by Barack Obama critics as the president’s policy of deferring deportation action against young illegal aliens.

Now Gilchrist, in a move that reflects increasing tension over the flood of illegals, some of whom are carrying tuberculosis, polio and other threats to society, has issued a new call for citizen volunteers to join him at the U.S. border with Mexico.

The move would be reminiscent of the similar efforts Gilchrist made in 2005 and 2006 to stem the tide of illegal immigration from the south.

In an email to WND, Gilchrist said his new “Project Normandy” was launched July 7, with the goal of calling some 3,500 non-militia volunteers to participate as citizen watchers assisting law enforcement on the border.

Gilchrist estimates the effort will “dwarf” his previous call issued in April 2005 for “Minutemen” to come to the border.

“If you are familiar with the Normandy invasion of France in 1944, then you have an idea how large and logistically complicated this event will be,” Gilchrist wrote.

“However, there will be one minor difference. We are not going to the border to invade anyone. We are going there to stop an invasion.”

Gilchrist told WND he anticipates it will take 10 months to recruit, organize and launch his “Operation Normandy,” with the goal of covering the 2,000-mile border from San Diego, California, to Brownsville, Texas, scheduled to begin on May 1, 2015, and end on May 30, 2015.

An ‘invasion’ from Central America

In a working paper shared with WND, Gilchrist compared the current influx of an estimated 50,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America illegally crossing the U.S. border with Mexico to “an offensive” military operation.

“This offensive is an invasion, not led by troops, but by divisions of mothers, children and young adults marching north from Central America and Mexico,” Gilchrist wrote.

Discover how “Minutemen” can defend the U.S. border in “The Battle to Secure America’s Borders.”

“It is an offensive that shows no signs of slowing down but instead is spreading to other nations, putting America in even greater peril. Patriots around our nation are sounding the alarm as the Middle East and parts of Africa also pour their legions into Mexico that so they, too, can march north into the United States,” he wrote.

Gilchrist warned that the United States is rapidly becoming a Latin American nation as Mexico and Central America literally transfer their populations into the United States, without any conference with the electorate by the nation’s political governors.

“It is very clever of the pro-illegal alien, anti-rule of law criminal elements in Mexico and the United States to use unwitting children as weapons in their assault upon the sovereignty of the United States,” he said.

“These criminals know very well that the U. S. Border Patrol will warmly welcome these children and essentially provide protective and privileged custody for them indefinitely, until they are in the custody of someone, some organization, or some family in the United States. Once established in a household or an orphanage, each of the children will be followed by several dozen relatives and friends also from south of the border,” he charged.

The Minuteman Project insists that all participating civilian volunteers adhere to the rule of law, including all laws and regulations about bearing weapons at the border.

Gilchrist has repeatedly insisted he conducts Minuteman Project operations to support law enforcement efforts on the border, including those conducted by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Minutemen Project civilian volunteers are not allowed to undertake efforts to apprehend the illegal immigrants themselves, but are trained to observe illegal border crossings and to report those to the Border Patrol and local law enforcement officials.

WND attempted unsuccessfully to obtain comment from U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement in the Department of Homeland Security on the plan, as well from the National Border Patrol Council of the AFL-CIO, the U.S. Border Patrol labor union.

Gilchrist is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and a recipient of Purple Hearts for wounds he suffered in combat in Vietnam. He lives in California, in retirement from a career as a CPA.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/minuteman-calling-3500-to-mexican-border/#4fR2G3mh67JaiYct.99

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Pentagon Begins Preparing For ‘Mass Civil Breakdown’ With Illuminati Minerva Research Initiative


Illuminati Minerva Research Initiative

Pentagon Begins Preparing For ‘Mass Civil Breakdown’ With Illuminati Minerva Research Initiative

| June 13, 2014 |

What is the Minerva Research Initiative?

The Guardian UK today is reporting that the Pentagon, under the authority of Commander-in-chief Barack Obama, has been bankrolling detailed studies from various universities to learn how the military might best respond to a civilian uprising.

It’s called the “Minerva Research Initiative,” and its a US Department of Defense (DoD) research programme that is funding universities to model the dynamics, risks and tipping points for large-scale civil unrest across the world, under the supervision of various US military agencies. The multi-million dollar program is designed to develop immediate and long-term “warfighter-relevant insights” for senior officials and decision makers in “the defense policy community,” and to inform policy implemented by “combatant commands.”” The Guardian reported.


Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model “of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions.” The project will determine “the critical mass (tipping point)” of social contagions by studying their “digital traces” in the cases of “the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey.”Twitter posts and conversations will be examined “to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized.”

Now here is where it gets really interesting

In short, Obama has ordered the Pentagon to spend millions to study how best to prepare for a mass civilian uprising within its own borders. It stands to reason that the information gleaned from such a study could just as easily be applied to rolling out a mass military-governmental takeover of same said citizenry. Obama is very  much like Hitler in that he is so sure of his success that he doesn’t really bother to cover his tracks.

As the old television commercials said, “but wait, there’s more!”

Out of the millions of people that will have read this story about the Minerva Research Initiative, how many hard core bloggers do you think looked up what the term “Minerva” refers to and why the Pentagon would choose that name for their report? Very few I am guessing, as of this writing NTEB seems to be the only one.  Minerva was a Roman goddess connected to intelligence and warfare.  She has a strong connection to Prometheus, whom she helped to steal fire from the gods of Olympus so that men could rise to the levels of gods. It is for this very reason the the Illuminati secret society calls their initiates of the 2nd level of the Illuminati Degree System the “Minerval” stage.


Since we are talking about the Pentagon, that 5-sided Federal building, have you ever stopped to consider the bizarre occult symbols on the US Medal of Honor? Because if you did, you would have see that it is the inverted Satanic Baphomet Goat’s Head, with our friend Minerva smack dab in the center. On the top in the blue ribbon you see the 13 stars representing the 13 levels of Illuminati wisdom.


Maybe you’ve never wondered why Satanic and Illuminati symbolism appear at every level of the our government, our currency, and our founding documents, but perhaps it’s time that you did. The Minerva Research Initiative, funded by the Pentagon to study the effects of when the people finally revolt, is the next step in the Illuminati plan for the future of America.

They are broadcasting their plans, right in the Illuminati-themed title of the research study, for the next phase of what will become life in America: Armed Occupation.

Categories: Darkness Of Days, Demonic Forces, Demonic Government, Illuminati Minerva, Life And Destiny, One World, Prophetic, Ungodly Government | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Mexico, Guatemala fast-track delivery of illegals to U.S.


Mexico, Guatemala fast-track delivery of illegals to U.S.

New ‘Regional Visitor Card’ grants permission to travel to Rio Grande

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/mexico-guatemala-fast-track-delivery-of-illegals-to-u-s/#QxZv40UkdW1yrwCj.99

author-image Jerome R. Corsi

Mexican President Nieto meeting with U.S. President Obama in 2013

Mexican President Nieto meeting with U.S. President Obama in 2013

NEW YORK – Mexico and Guatemala have reached an agreement that is intended to make it easier and safer for Central Americans, including unaccompanied minors, to enter the United States illegally.

Though largely unreported in the U.S. mainstream media, the two nations agreed on July 7, in a presidential-level meeting in Mexico, to make it legal and safe for Central American immigrants, including unaccompanied minors, to cross Mexico’s border with Guatemala and transit Mexico en route to the U.S. border at the Rio Grande.

The agreement apparently does not recognize that the result of such trips – entry into the United States – remains illegal.

But to facilitate the program, the Mexican government announced plans to issue a new “Regional Visitor Card” that will provide documentation for the Central Americans to remain in Mexico as long as it takes to get to the United States.

Under the auspices of a “Southern Border Program,” Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan President Otto Pérez, in a meeting in Mexico, agreed to take five concrete steps designed to “protect and safeguard the human rights of migrants who enter and transit Mexico, so as to order international routes of passage [in and through Mexico] to increase and develop the security of the region.”

The five steps in Mexican “Southern Border Program” included the following action steps:

1. Mexico established for the Central American migrants transiting through Mexico a new Mexican-government issued “Regional Visitor Card” that instructs the Mexican National Institute of Migration to recognize the holder as having been granted by the Mexican government the right to a “temporary stay” in Mexico. The purpose of the “Regional Visitor Card” is to grant Central American migrants entering Mexico across the border with Guatemala enough time and legal status to complete their journey to the United States.

2. Mexico plans to open 10 new border crossing checkpoints on the border with Guatemala and two more on the border with Belize to function as “Comprehensive Care Centers for Border Transit,” designed to register the Central American migrants with Mexican immigration authorities and to issue “Regional Cards” as part of a formal government processing allowing migrants from Central America to transit into Mexico on an official basis.

3. Mexico has decided to expand throughout the country the five medical care units originally established in Chiapas to give medical aid and temporary shelter to Central American migrants transiting through Mexico, with special attention given to unaccompanied minors.

4. Mexico has decided to create a new “Office for the Coordination of Comprehensive Social Services for Migrants on the Southern Border” to be attached to the Ministry of the Interior, tasked with coordinating interagency Mexican government efforts to provide humanitarian care and assistance provided by the Mexican government to migrants crossing the border with Guatemala, so as to guarantee respect for the human rights of the migrants.

5. Mexico pledged to continue playing an active role working with international organizations to participate in conferences organized to promote legal immigration, including continued sponsorship of forums including Mexico’s National Conference on Migration.

In the spirit that migration of Central Americans from Guatemala through Mexico will be more secure if it is more formally organized, Nieto announced Mexico’s new “Southern Border Program” was a step in the right direction.

Guatemalan President Otto Pérez noted the border between Guatemala and Mexico “offers an opportunity to show how we can improve the treatment of migrants and the relations between two peoples – Guatemalans and Mexicans – who have traditionally been brothers.”

Nieto also explained that the governments of Mexico and Guatemala have been working in cooperation with authorities in El Salvador and Honduras “to work in the same direction to make Central American migration more organized and safer.”

Nieto further announced that the Mexican Ministry of the Interior, working together with officials from Guatemala, will strengthen law enforcement intelligence gathering regarding Central American migrants to develop a technological platform to share in gathering the real-time biometric information believed essential for a formal registration process to issue the migrants appropriate Mexican government documentation for use in their transit across Mexico.

In announcing the agreement reached between Mexico and Guatemala, the national edition of El Universal released a video in which former prime minister of Greece, George Papandreou, gave a presentation in English (with Spanish subtitles).

Papandreou’s purpose appears to be to lecture the United States regarding the current flood of Central American immigrants, including unaccompanied minors, arriving in the U.S. daily, and illegally.

Papandreou encouraged the United States to extend the legal right to Central American immigrants to stay in the U.S., housing them in temporary shelters where they can receive secure and humane treatment while the United States creates for them a pathway to citizenship, as well as providing the right to seek employment and the opportunity to be reunited in the United States with their families.

The flood of illegal alien immigrants from Central America, especially children, has spiked in recent months, with tens of thousands flooding into the United States. The U.S. government already is transporting them to multiple other locations to house them.

Critics of the U.S. president say his announcement of a policy to defer deportation actions against children has sent a message to Central America that if children can reach the United States, they not only will face no punishment, but will be granted housing, medical, education and even legal benefits.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/mexico-guatemala-fast-track-delivery-of-illegals-to-u-s/#QxZv40UkdW1yrwCj.99

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The 10 Most Corrupt and Least Corrupt Countries in the World

The 10 Most Corrupt and Least Corrupt Countries in the World

December 3, 2013

In some countries, business owners can go their way in the happy knowledge that government officials won’t be hitting them up for bribes or tossing them in jail on trumped-up charges. But in other parts of the world, public sector corruption is a fact of life.

Hoping to shine a light on this widespread problem, Transparency International, a watchdog NGO, has published its Corruption Perceptions Index for 2013. The index ranks countries around the world by perceived level of government corruption, with a score of 100 signaling an absence of official corruption and a score of 0 indicating a country that is hopelessly corrupt.

Of the 177 countries and territories listed on the index, less than one-third managed to break 50. As No. 127 Nicaragua would say, that’s no bueno. So in what countries can you trust public officials and what places should you avoid?

To start, the Nordic countries are a safe bet for business, with Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway all among the least corrupt nations. Rounding out the top five are New Zealand, tied for first with Denmark with a score of 91, and Singapore, tied with Norway for No. 5.

Related: Why We Chose an Accelerator in Australia Over One in the U.S.

Here are the 10 least corrupt countries in the world, according to the index:

  1. Denmark
  2. New Zealand (tied with Denmark for No. 1)
  3. Finland
  4. Sweden (tied with Finland for No. 3)
  5. Norway
  6. Singapore (tied with Norway for No. 5)
  7. Switzerland
  8. Netherlands
  9. Australia
  10. Canada (tied with Australia for No. 9)

What of the United States? The world’s largest economy sits at No. 19 with a score of 73, while its fellow Anglophones to the north and south, Canada and Australia, are tied for 9th place with scores of 81. (Both have dropped since last year. In 2012, Canada scored an 84 and Australia an 85.) The United Kingdom is ranked No. 14.

Mexico, another U.S. neighbor, is listed as far more corrupt than Canada, with a score of 34 ranking it at 106 of 177. (This reporter’s own experience suggests the country’s low score is well-deserved.)

At the positively wretched end of the scale it’s no surprise to see Yemen, Sudan, Syria and other Middle Eastern and African countries. But some of their scores look almost handsome beside the worst of the lot: Tied for last place are Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia, all having scored a measly 8 on the index.

Here are the world’s 10 most corrupt nations, starting with the worst:

  1. Somalia
  2. North Korea (tied with Somalia and Afghanistan for No. 175)
  3. Afghanistan (tied with North Korea and Somalia for No. 175)
  4. Sudan
  5. South Sudan
  6. Libya
  7. Iraq
  8. Uzbekistan
  9. Turkmenistan (tied with Uzbekistan and Syria for No. 168)
  10. Syria (tied with Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan for No. 168)

Check out the infographic below for the full index of 177 countries.

How have you managed the difficulties of doing business internationally? Share some advice or an unforgettable anecdote in the comments below.

Click to Enlarge+

The 10 Most Corrupt and Least Corrupt Countries in the World

Related: Starting Up in the Developing World: More Risk, More Reward

Categories: Countries Of The World, Good Or Bad, One World, Ungodly Government | Tags: | Leave a comment

Expert: Mideasterners pay $50,000 to sneak into U.S.


Expert: Mideasterners pay $50,000 to sneak into U.S.

‘You will absolutely see terror attacks’ that rival or exceed Sept. 11

Published: 1 day ago

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/expert-mideasterners-pay-50000-to-sneak-into-u-s/#p1Yfx7erDDbuyJti.99

U.S.-Mexico border

A filmmaker with extensive knowledge of the current border crisis says this chaos is exactly what President Obama wants and planned for, and he says the current media fixation on abandoned children means criminals, drug smugglers and terrorists are coming to the United States without even being noticed.

Dennis Michael Lynch directed and produced “They Come to America” and “They Come to America II” and has extensive, daily contact with U.S. Border Patrol agents about the true state of the U.S.-Mexico border. He said there are essentially four groups of people pouring across the border: families of various sizes, unaccompanied minors, drug smugglers and career criminals and terrorists. Lynch said while the media focus on the kids, really bad people are easily slipping into the country.

“I can tell you from the people I speak to in the Border Patrol who are in the intelligence unit, they have told me that gang members are receiving as much as $50,000 per head to bring a person through. Those people are typically from the Middle East or from China,” said Lynch, who predicts the people waltzing into the country will perpetrate an attack on the U.S. that will rival or exceed Sept. 11.

“You will absolutely see terror attacks. They may not come in the form of airplanes crashing into buildings, but they’re going to come in different ways: water treatment plants, electrical grids. You name it, it is there for the possibility of taking,” he said.

WND recently reported that a top U.S. Defense Department analyst under President Bush warned that ISIS, the Islamic jihadists creating a Muslim caliphate in Iraq and beyond, could use the Mexican border to infiltrate America, and it could happen “sooner rather than later.”

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Dennis Michael Lynch:

President Obama is urging Congress to approve $3.8 billion in new funding that he says is designed to expedite deportation, while critics contend there’s a lot more about prolonged care for the detainees than there is about deportation in the legislation. Lynch isn’t buying anything Obama is saying at this point.

“This president has no intent of sending anybody home, just like he didn’t intend for you to be able to keep your doctor if you liked your doctor and just like he knew that there was no video that would spur a terrorist attack in Benghazi. If you believe what he says right now, I have a desert to sell you,” he said.

According to Lynch, this crisis is exactly what Obama wanted to happen.

“He is enjoying what he is seeing down at the border,” he said. “That is why he’s trying to work now with the U.N. to try to get war refugee status for these children. That’s why he’s sending them across the country and just releasing them. This is not about reform. That’s all rhetoric. This is about fundamentally transforming the country.”

Could Mexico retake the southwestern United States? Not only are they capable, but an invasion is underway. The stunning film “Conquest of Aztlan” is a must-see for every American patriot!

Lynch even alleges that this is the biggest legacy of this administration, topping even the massive overhaul of the nation’s health-care system.

“Everybody always thought that Obamacare was his baby, that Obamacare was going to be his legacy and how he wanted to transform the country. I say no. That is just a really heavy insurance policy that the next president could repeal, or alter, or change or lessen the damage on businesses,” he said. “When you turn around and let this many people into the country, when you give amnesty or give an executive order that says they can work and stay in the U.S., you can’t repeal people. You can’t deport 20, 30, 40 million people with a pen. This is what transforms a country. This is what Obama wants.”

In addition to asserting Obama wants to make the illegal immigrants citizens and have them vote for the Democratic Party for generations through an endless flow of federal benefits, Lynch said this is about moving America closer to the poorer nations of the world.

“I think he does want to put the United States of America on an equal playing field with the rest of the world. I think he’s doing that, because the more people we take in from the Third World, all it does is weaken every part of our country. It weakens our health-care system, our schools, our finances, you name it. It increases the welfare state,” said Lynch, who elaborated on the immediate impact on our schools.

“From a health and school perspective, I don’t think America is really going to understand what is taking place down on the southern border, not only now but over the past six, eight, nine months to a year. When school starts again in September, people are going to be amazed by how many kids are coming in who do not speak English. I mean the schools are going to get flooded,” Lynch said.

Based on his conversations with Border Patrol officials, Lynch described how this new border crisis was carefully orchestrated.

“When you speak to Border Patrol agents like I do, you hear from the Border Patrol agents that they are beside themselves due to the fact they cannot enforce the law,” said Lynch, noting the federal government announced new orders in January not to turn anyone away.

“They were told by the station head, ‘Going forward, we are not going to capture and deport. We are going to capture and release,” he said.

“That’s when the whole thing started with them taking in families, doing a quick look over, which really is just ridiculous, and then taking them to a bus station so they could go to somewhere in the USA,” he said.

That same month is when the Department of Homeland Security is known to have sent out requests for information on the cost and feasibility of escorting newly arrived illegals to various locations around the country.

In addition to the threat this presents to the nation, Lynch said it is having a horrific impact on the morale of the Border Patrol.

“These guys are at an all-time low,” he said. “I talk to them every day. They send me pictures. Guys are leaving the department. They say they’re just not doing it anymore. These guys are overpaid taxi drivers. They give illegal aliens the transportation they need from the border to the Border Patrol Detention Center and then to the bus depot. How would you like to have that job? These guys signed on to protect America, and all they’re doing is driving a fancy taxi.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/expert-mideasterners-pay-50000-to-sneak-into-u-s/#p1Yfx7erDDbuyJti.99

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Transfer of illegals to San Diego halted … for now

WND Exclusive

Transfer of illegals to San Diego halted … for now

Flights cancelled after scabies outbreak – border-security activists claim victory

Published: 1 hour ago

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/transfer-of-illegals-from-texas-to-san-diego-halted/#LQ66m3Su9uhLhlRO.99


Border-security activists are celebrating an announcement by U.S. Customs and Border Protection that flights carrying illegal aliens from Texas to San Diego County have been suspended, but warn an outbreak of scabies among undocumented Central Americans already processed and released poses a health danger to their communities.

Since last week, three flights carrying a total of 420 border-crossers – mostly women and children – have arrived in the San Diego area. Most have been processed and released. A fourth with 140 aliens was scheduled for Thursday, but that flight has reportedly been cancelled.

Gabe Pacheco, a Border Patrol agent in San Diego and a union spokesman, said agents are now going to rely on existing technology that allows agents to process migrants in Texas using video equipment, reported the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Two senior Border Patrol sources confirmed to WND that, of those released, more than 100 have been diagnosed with scabies, and five border agents have been infected as well due to their contact with the illegals. Multiple cases of fever have been documented among children, as well as several cases where children were coughing up blood. Tuberculosis is suspected in those cases. Also reported, but unconfirmed, were possible cases of the H1N1 virus.

The temporary warehousing and subsequent release is creating an environment for incubating and spreading disease, warned Jeff Schwilk of San Diegans for Secure Borders Coalition.

“They are just re-infesting them over and over,” he told WND. “They treat them and immediately put them in the decontaminated cells, which is terrible. Also, bottles aren’t being sanitized, blankets are being shared, it’s bad. The people from the first 2 planes are long gone. They don’t care at all. They are just releasing them. No relief in sight. Rumor is they will be increasing the number of flights into San Diego.”

While increasing the number of flights may be the government’s intent, that’s not going to be happening this week according to a Wednesday announcement by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The agency did not indicate whether anti-illegal protests by local residents, outbreak of diseases or other factors were responsible for the changed plans.

“These sick aliens need to be quarantined in Texas and not shipped to California to infect our communities with dangerous diseases,” said Schwilk. “All of these aliens are being processed and treated quickly for their illnesses and released into the general public in San Diego and other cities where they are going to meet family or friends, most likely your city too.

“Considering there were over 100 cases of scabies out of 420, it is obvious that San Diegans will be dealing with the outbreaks, and that’s not good,” Schwilk said. “But for now, we are glad that at least the drops will stop. We feel like we won. We are happy.”

Patrice Lynes, who has been organizing the Murrieta protests, concurred.

“That’s a victory,” Lynes told the Union-Tribune. “But I’m sure that we’ll still be out there. I’ll be out there (Thursday). Other people will be as well. But that is a victory.”

Schwilk said his group will still hold its planned blockade Thursday just in case information being reported about the cancelled drops is somehow in error. New blockades in areas that received diverted buses blocked from Murrieta last week will also be ready in case buses arrive.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/transfer-of-illegals-from-texas-to-san-diego-halted/#LQ66m3Su9uhLhlRO.99

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